All living things on World are continued to support and maintain life cycles, therefore biodiversity is extremely important for the functioning of ecosystems on the Earth. Biodiversity loss prevention is imperative to the sustenance of all kinds of ecosystems on Earth, equally humans are dependent on wild fauna, plants, fisheries and more than for their livelihoods. Here are seven solutions to address the issue of biodiversity loss.


Biodiversity refers to the diversity of living organisms on Earth, and it provides ecological, economic, and social benefits. It is declining still at such a rate that it has even been predicted that we are on the path to a 6th mass extinction event .

Climate change has pushed biodiversity to the top of the agenda on the international phase, focusing us to urgently assess and address the interconnected problems of biodiversity, climate change, and desertification

Causes of biodiversity loss include both natural and anthropogenic activities. Natural activities come up in the form of farthermost atmospheric condition, floods, volcanic eruptions and more than. Anthropogenic activities come up in the form of human being-induced climate change, habitat loss, species introduction, land pollution, marine pollution, land immigration for mining and industrial activities, agriculture, body of water acidification and coral bleaching, drainage of wetlands, and mangroves.

Biodiversity loss can come in the form of habitat loss through country converted to agronomics, combined with land degradation through intensive farming practices – which is the principal contributor to the decline and extinction of species – and it can also come in the form of unsustainable food product, where our meat and dairy consumption habits are to arraign, as livestock farming requires disproportionate areas of land to exist used.

Solutions to Biodiversity Loss

Species of plants and animals that are vulnerable to extinction require our utmost attention. We demand to ensure that significant changes at a policy and a commonage individual level are fabricated.

solutions to biodiversity loss 1. Biodiversity Conservation

This is the one of most important solutions to biodiversity loss: conserving biodiversity that is at risk of extinction by protecting them with acceptable conservation strategies.

Biodiversity conservation covers a wide range of activities that tin be done. Protecting habitats is an extremely important biodiversity conservation activity; done by identifying the habitats facing threats and eliminating these threats in gild to maintain the natural area. This also comes in the form of leaving wildlife undisturbed, especially nesting and denning areas, and wildlife habitats can be promoted by setting up human-made bird and bat houses.

Limiting and modifying agricultural activities also falls into the category of biodiversity conservation. This tin be done by conserving water in wetlands and reducing irrigation, and by  managing livestock grazing through maintaining good quality range conditions and leaving areas ungrazed.

Biodiversity conservation can also come in the form of domestic conservation. This involves an individual taking responsibility for any wild animals they have directly control over. Maintaining your garden by eradicating and controlling weed growth can be specially beneficial to conserving wildlife. Reducing disturbance to wildlife and monitoring pets and their behaviour with wild animals are besides domestic biodiversity conservation solutions.

two. Restructuring Business organization Plans

There is a fundamental business concern risk from an ecosystem failure. This is a concept that needs to exist best-selling, along with the realisation that in that location is also a reputational run a risk of unsustainable supply chains.

Some commodities, such every bit cocoa and java, are integral to an economy, but also depend on its growth from the delicate ecosystem. Growth of such commodities require a stable ecosystem tailored to its needs. Therefore, businesses need to factor these considerations into their risk analysis and allocate capital letter investment accordingly.

Additionally, businesses have also been said to have a "fundamentally crucial role" in sustainability transformation. Therefore, they also need to fix some standards and rules that address biodiversity loss reduction.

3. Pressure on Governments

Pressure needs to be put on governments to draft, pass, and enforce legislation to protect biodiversity. All governments should strive to create an surround that welcomes intergovernmental bodies and international policymakers to collaborate in advocacy in regards to bug of biodiversity.

Unsustainable food product tin can besides be a cause of biodiversity loss. Therefore, governments tin can ensure that company policies are put in place to encourage more sustainable methods past ensuring sustainable angling methods through certification of seafood products, for instance.

They can also protect national parks and other areas with flora and fauna through laws, and they can provide incentives and subsidies to farmers to encourage production methods towards sustainable land stewardship.

4. Funding Directed to Innovative Solutions

Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace, so directing funding and inquiry into technological biodiversity loss prevention methods tin be extremely beneficial.

Reforestation drones are an fantabulous example of using engineering science every bit an innovative solution. A Uk company called Biocarbon Engineering came upwardly with this potential idea. One of the main causes of biodiversity loss is habitat loss and fragmentation caused by deforestation, so a unproblematic solution would exist to establish more than copse, nevertheless, tree planting past hand tin can be tiresome and labour intensive. Biocarbon Technology came up with this solution to tackle this issue past first mapping the area of regeneration via the drone. Next, the drone will fly around ii to three metres above the surface, and then shoot biodegradable seed pods into the soil which incorporate all the nutrients the tree needs to start growing. Biocarbon Engineering estimates this speeds up the planting of trees by 10 times and at 15% of the toll.

5. Substitute Products

Obtaining the resources to create the products we consume is severely damaging to biodiversity. Examples include, meat consumption, baked appurtenances containing palm oil, mass produced-inexpensive clothing, and the use of plastic straws.

One of the nearly simplest solutions to biodiversity loss is by substitute products with sustainable and environmentally-friendly replacements.

Lab-grown meat is an excellent example. The way in which we currently rely upon to produce meat is past rearing animals until they abound big enough to kill and consume. This do requires huge amounts of state, particularly for beefiness production. Land utilize does not exclusively limit to raising cattle but is oftentimes dedicated to producing nutrient for cows and other livestock. The simplest solution to this would be to encourage people to swallow less meat. Simply this may have too long and information technology tin can exist challenging to encourage people to change their lifestyle. A solution to this upshot is therefore, "lab-grown meat" – also known as cultured meat . The meat is non a meat-substitute, but rather meat produced in a different way through a process known as intro-vitro tillage with methods. Taken from medical research where scientists have figured out how to regenerate organic tissues, the engineering science is currently being worked on past many companies effectually the earth in a race to become it to market place. At the moment, the chief barriers are toll and ensuring that the taste matches the original animal production.

Using microalgae as a palm oil alternative is another case of an splendid solution to replacing a harmful production that is heavily consumed globally.

solutions to biodiversity loss Image past: 2nd Nexus

6. Vertical Sea Farming

Human action has affected the oceans too. Sea life has been impacted through pollution and climate modify, but the changes impacting the ecosystem the almost are those caused by overfishing.

Overfishing occurs when fish are caught from the ocean at a faster rate than the populations can replenish. Many other ocean creatures, such as oysters, take been severely overfished and the practices to take hold of them now involve scraping the lesser of the ocean, catching all sorts of unintended fish, and destroying the habitat at the aforementioned time.

GreenWave , a charity which promotes the employ of restorative vertical ocean farming was created to address this issue. Co-founder, Bren Smith, describes vertical ocean farming as an 'underwater garden' where they grow kelp, mussels, scallops and oysters, past mimicking the habitats that would have previously existed in the body of water.

Having these gardens remove the need to trawl the ocean floor with large nets and they tin even provide food for other wildlife, such as fish and seals. An additional benefit about vertical ocean farming methods is that the seaweeds and shellfish require no fresh water, feed or fertiliser, which dramatically reduces the overall environmental impact and keeps costs down.

seven. Modify Your Individual Choices

Biodiversity loss comes from our straight activity, therefore, making conscious decisions to make sustainable and biodiversity-friendly choices is an important solution.

At that place are a number of solutions to biodiversity loss, just practice not overlook small choices, such as bringing your own pocketbook to the supermarket and using a metal straw to drink. If each private makes a small-scale modify to their lifestyle, the collective impact of these changes would be awe-inspiring.