
Animation Throwdown Does Jab Work With Punch?

Skills are the special buffs each card has.

Bill of fare skills
icon name event

Skill jab.png

Jab Reduces the effects that forestall impairment past X when attacking.
Skill punch.png
Dial A random enemy card takes X impairment.

Skill sturdy.png

Sturdy Blocks Ten damage when direct attacked.

Skill payBack.png

Payback Deals X damage to any card that directly attacks this.

Skill cripple.png

Cripple Reduces attack of a random card past 10 for a turn.

Skill crippleAll.png

Crippe All Reduces attack of all enemy cards by Ten for a turn.

Skill fart.png

Gas If direct damage is dealt, attacked enemy card takes X additional damage at finish of each plough.

Skill shield.png

Shield Forbid X impairment dealt to some other random card. Tin be specified by trait or prove.

Skill shieldAll.png

Shield All Prevents X damage dealt to all friendly cards. Can be specified by trait or testify.

Skill boost.png

Boost Card gets +X assault whenever you play a philharmonic.

Skill recover.png

Recover Gets +X max health whenever you play a combo.

Skill cheer.png

Cheer Increases attack of a random friendly unit to the right of this card by Ten for a plow. Can be specified by trait or show.

Skill cheerAll.png

Cheer All Increases attack of all friendly units to the right of this card by X for a turn. Can be specified by trait or bear witness.

Skill heal.png

Heal Restore 10 health to a damaged carte du jour. Can be specified by trait or show.

Skill healAll.png

Heal All Restores X wellness to all damaged cards. Can be specified by trait or bear witness.

Skill leech.png

Leech If attacking card, heals self Ten after dealing assail damage.

Skill inspire.png

Motivate Cards next to this get +10 extra assault. Can be specified by trait or evidence.

Skill bomb.png

Bomb If attacking card, deal X harm to enemies adjacent to the ane this attacks

Skill crazed.png

Crazed Gain +X attack after dealing direct damage.

Skill fast.png

Haste ???

Skill slow.png

Slumber The enemy plays their carte first, but the card takes an additional turn to activate
Show Specific Skills with the prove specific symbol means that the effect applies to cards of a particular show only. (e.g. Family Guy Only, Futurama Only) Ever aforementioned as the carte that holds the skill.
Skill special.png
Trait Specific Skills with the trait specific symbol means that the event applies to cards of a particular trait only. (e.g. Boozer But, Artistic Only) Ever same as the bill of fare that holds the skill.

Skill hijack.png

Hijack Temporarily steal at most X points of attack increase (eastward.g. from Motivate or Crazed) from carte directly across from this carte each plow.

Skill bodyguard.png

Bodyguard Block X amount of harm from skills to this card and adjacent cards passively. Uses the highest Bodyguard available.

Skill give.png

Give Give a random card specified skill with X value. E.g. Requite a random card Punch 5.
Enlarge When played or comboed, permanently gains X maximum health for each enemy carte du jour.
Burn Deals X damage to an enemy with the most health, and then permanently increases damage dealt to them by Burn down by X. Does not stack.
Bunker Prevents X impairment dealt to itself.


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